Well, we finally get some nice weeks of warmer weather! With the warm weather comes lawn diseases, insects and more stresses for the turf! We are beginning to see some of the summer annual weeds emerging such as oxalis, violets, and knotweed.

We are seeing these weeds much earlier this year due to warmer average temperatures. Pro Grass treats weeds at every spring & summer treatment and although you may be seeing summer weeds earlier this year rest assured they will be treated at your next application. If you do not currently receive our summer treatments call our office to schedule.

The other weed you may be seeing much earlier this year is nutsedge. Even though some is emerging earlier this year, typically, it does not all appear until late June. This is why, if you scheduled for nutsedge control, we do not start treating until July. If you having nutsedge encroaching in your lawn and are not scheduled to have it treated our technicians will be recommending it at your next application. As always, feel free to call the office or visit prograsslawncare.com if you have any questions.