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Brown Grass in my lawn??

Lawns in our area typically consist of several types of turfgrass. One of those is rough bluegrass. It forms patches of a light green, dense turf in the spring and fall when there is enough [...]

By | July 8th, 2019|Categories: Lawn/Insects|0 Comments

Warm weather is upon us!

Well, we finally get some nice weeks of warmer weather! With the warm weather comes lawn diseases, insects and more stresses for the turf! We are beginning to see some of the summer annual weeds [...]

By | May 7th, 2019|Categories: Tips & Advice|0 Comments

Snow! Snow! Snow!

With the winter weather, remember over use of ice melt products can damage your lawn and ornamentals and contaminate the soil making reestablishment very difficult. Of common ice melt products Magnesium Chloride has moderate impact [...]

By | February 21st, 2019|Categories: Tips & Advice|0 Comments

Revitalize your lawn after the stresses of summer!!

Aeration is a vital part of Maryland lawn care especially before seeding and this year has certainly been one of those years where seeding is necessary. The summer heat and drought has caused damage throughout [...]

By | September 18th, 2018|Categories: Lawn/Insects|0 Comments


Summer is knocking on the door and with warmer temperatures comes lawn diseases! Common diseases for home lawns are Red Thread (top left), Brown Patch (top right) and Dollar Spot (bottom left). Brown Patch and [...]

By | June 27th, 2018|Categories: Lawn/Insects|0 Comments

Summer Tips!

SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE! HERE ARE SOME TIPS TO KEEP YOUR LAWN GREEN. -Mow Higher: Simply mowing your lawn at a greater height is the easiest thing you can do this summer to keep your [...]

By | May 30th, 2018|Categories: Tips & Advice|0 Comments